How to Make Highlights on Instagram

In today’s digital age, Instagram has become much more than just a photo-sharing platform. It’s a powerful tool for self-expression and personal branding. One feature that allows users to curate their profile and make a lasting impression is Instagram Highlights. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and using Highlights on Instagram to make your profile stand out and engage your audience effectively.

What are Instagram Highlights?

Instagram Highlights are a feature that allows users to showcase their favorite Stories in a curated section on their profile. Instead of disappearing after 24 hours, as regular Stories do, Highlights are permanent and can be organized into categories. This feature allows you to tell a story, promote products, or share important moments that you want your followers to see whenever they visit your profile.

Why are Instagram Highlights important?

Instagram Highlights serve as a visual representation of your brand or personal identity. They offer a quick overview of your content and can be used to highlight specific aspects of your life, business, or interests. Whether you’re a business looking to showcase your products or an individual sharing your travel adventures, Highlights help you leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Getting Started

Accessing your Instagram profile

To create and manage Highlights on Instagram, you need to access your profile. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device, tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner, and you’ll be directed to your profile page.

Understanding the Stories Archive

Before you start creating Highlights, it’s essential to understand the Stories Archive feature. Instagram automatically archives your Stories, making them accessible even after their 24-hour lifespan. This archive serves as the source for the content you’ll use to create Highlights.

Creating Highlights

When it comes to creating Instagram Highlights, the process revolves around selecting the right content and crafting visually appealing cover images. These elements work hand in hand to create an engaging and informative experience for your followers.

Selecting the right content

The first step in creating Highlights is selecting the most suitable content from your Instagram Stories archive. The key here is to align your chosen Stories with a particular theme or topic that you want to highlight on your profile. This thematic approach helps you create organized and meaningful Highlights that resonate with your audience.

For instance, let’s say you’re a food blogger. In this case, you might want to create Highlights that revolve around various aspects of your food journey:

  • Recipes: Gather Stories showcasing your culinary creations, complete with mouth-watering images, step-by-step cooking instructions, and final plated dishes.
  • Restaurant Reviews: Compile Stories from your dining experiences, providing insights into your favorite eateries, top dishes, and overall restaurant ambiance. Share your honest opinions and recommendations.
  • Cooking Tips: Share your expertise by collecting Stories that offer cooking tips, tricks, and hacks. These could include short videos demonstrating kitchen techniques or quick recipe ideas.

By curating Stories based on specific themes like these, you’ll make it easier for your followers to navigate your profile and find the content that interests them the most.

Creating cover images

Once you’ve chosen the Stories for your Highlights, it’s time to focus on the visual aspect—creating cover images. Cover images serve as the first impression of your Highlights and play a crucial role in enticing users to click and explore further.

These images should be both visually appealing and informative. They need to provide a clear idea of what the Highlight contains. Here are some steps to consider when designing your cover images:

  1. Clarity and Cohesion: Maintain a consistent style for all your cover images to give your profile a cohesive look. This consistency helps your profile appear organized and professional.
  2. Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images that are visually appealing and represent the theme of the Highlight accurately. If you’re creating a “Recipes” Highlight, an image of a beautifully plated dish can be a great choice.
  3. Text and Icons: Consider adding text or icons to the cover image to indicate the theme. For instance, if it’s a “Travel Adventures” Highlight, you might include an icon of a suitcase or a globe, along with the text “Travel.”
  4. Color Scheme: Keep the color scheme in mind. Use colors that are consistent with your brand or that evoke the feeling associated with the Highlight theme. For a Highlight about relaxation, soothing blue tones might be suitable.
  5. Design Tools: You can use design apps and software to create custom cover images with various elements like text, graphics, and filters. Alternatively, choose an eye-catching frame from one of your Stories to use as a cover image.

By paying attention to these details when designing your cover images, you’ll make your Highlights not only visually appealing but also informative, making it easier for your audience to engage with your content. This is a critical aspect of creating a captivating Instagram profile.

Organizing Highlights

Arranging and naming Highlights

Organizing your Highlights is key to a tidy and user-friendly profile. Arrange them in the order you prefer by holding and dragging them. Give each Highlight a clear and concise name that reflects its content.

Task Steps Tips
Arranging and Naming Highlights 1. Open your Instagram profile. – Consider the order that provides the best storytelling.
  2. Locate the Highlights section just below your bio. – Highlight arrangement should reflect your brand or theme.
  3. Tap and hold the Highlight you want to move. – Prioritize the most important Highlights near the top.
  4. While holding, drag the Highlight to the desired position. – Name Highlights in a clear and concise manner.
  5. Release your hold to place the Highlight. – Use keywords relevant to the content in the names.
  6. To name a Highlight, tap on it. – Keep Highlight names short yet descriptive.
  7. Tap on “Edit Highlight” at the bottom-right corner. – Avoid using too many special characters or emojis.
  8. In the “Edit Highlight” menu, you can change the name. – Consistency in naming style makes your profile neat.
  9. After editing the name, tap “Done” to save changes.  

Adding and removing content

You can always update your Highlights by adding or removing content. Simply tap on a Highlight, then tap on “Edit Highlight.” From there, you can add new Stories or remove outdated ones.

Task Steps Tips
Adding and Removing Content 1. Go to your profile on Instagram. – Regularly update your Highlights to keep them relevant.
  2. Locate the Highlight you want to update. – Highlight content should align with your profile’s goals.
  3. Tap on the Highlight to open it. – Use Stories that are high-quality and engaging.
  4. In the Highlight, tap on “More” (three dots). – Remove outdated or irrelevant Stories promptly.
  5. Select “Edit Highlight” from the menu. – When adding content, ensure it’s relevant and fresh.
  6. In the “Edit Highlight” menu, choose “Add” to add new Stories. – Maintain a balance between promotional and personal content.
  7. Select the Stories you want to add to the Highlight. – Keep the number of Stories in a Highlight manageable.
  8. Tap “Done” to save the changes. – Review your Highlights periodically for updates.

Organizing your Highlights is essential to maintain a tidy and user-friendly profile. By arranging them thoughtfully and providing clear, concise names, you make it easier for your followers to navigate your content. Additionally, regularly adding fresh content and removing outdated material ensures that your Highlights remain engaging and relevant. This proactive approach contributes to a more appealing and dynamic Instagram profile.

Customizing Highlights

Editing cover images

If you want to change a Highlight’s cover image, it’s a straightforward process. Go to the Highlight, tap on “More,” and select “Edit Highlight.” From here, you can change the cover image by selecting a new frame from one of the Stories within that Highlight.

Changing Highlight icons

Instagram allows you to change the Highlight icons. This can be done by using icons from the Instagram library or by uploading your custom icons that match your brand’s aesthetics.

Sharing Highlights

Making Highlights visible on your profile

To ensure that your meticulously curated Highlights are prominently displayed on your Instagram profile, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Access Your Profile: Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner. This action will take you to your profile page.
  2. Edit Profile: On your profile page, locate the “Edit Profile” button, typically positioned just below your bio information. Give it a tap.
  3. Select Highlights: In the “Edit Profile” section, you’ll find an option to “Select Highlights.” Tap on this option.
  4. Choose Highlights to Feature: A list of your created Highlights will appear. You can now select the Highlights that you want to feature on your profile. To do this, tap on the respective Highlights you wish to showcase.
  5. Save Changes: Once you’ve chosen the Highlights you want to feature, save your changes. This action will make them visible as circles just below your bio.

By following these steps, you can easily manage and display the Highlights that best represent your Instagram profile to visitors and followers.

Sharing them with your followers

Sharing your Highlights with your followers is an excellent way to ensure that they can access and engage with your curated content. Here’s how you can make your Highlights accessible to your audience:

  1. Follower Access: Your followers can access your Highlights by visiting your profile and simply tapping on the circle representing the Highlight they want to explore. These circles are displayed just below your bio on your profile page.
  2. Direct Messages: You can also share Highlights with specific individuals or groups through direct messages. To do this, go to the Highlight you want to share, tap on the Highlight circle to view it, and then tap on the paper airplane icon (the “Send” button). Choose the recipient(s) or group, add any accompanying messages if desired, and send the Highlight.
  3. Profile Link: Another way to share your Highlights is by providing a link to your Instagram profile. When others visit your profile, they can access your Highlights by tapping on the circles displayed below your bio.

Sharing your Highlights not only increases their visibility but also encourages engagement with your content. Whether you want to showcase your latest travel adventures, culinary creations, or product offerings, these sharing options make it easy for your audience to connect with your curated Stories.

Highlight Best Practices

Keeping your Highlights relevant

It’s important to keep your Highlights up to date. Remove outdated content and add new stories to ensure that your audience sees your most relevant and engaging content.

Consistency is key

Maintain a consistent style and theme across your Highlights. This helps in branding and ensures that your profile looks visually appealing and well-organized.

Measuring Success

Tracking engagement and views

Instagram provides insights into your Highlights, showing you how many views each Highlight has received. Use these metrics to gauge which Highlights are the most popular and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Analyzing the impact on your profile

Regularly assess the impact of your Highlights on your overall profile engagement. Do they help in retaining followers or attracting new ones? Make data-driven decisions to optimize your Highlights for better results.


Common issues and solutions

If you encounter any issues while creating or managing your Highlights, refer to Instagram’s Help Center for troubleshooting tips. Common issues include cover image problems, disappearing Stories, and privacy settings.

Instagram Highlights are a powerful tool for personal branding and storytelling. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create eye-catching Highlights that engage your audience and leave a lasting impression on your profile visitors. Remember to stay consistent, measure your success, and keep your Highlights up to date for the best results.


  1. Can I change the order of my Highlights? Yes, you can arrange your Highlights in any order you prefer by holding and dragging them on your profile page.
  2. Do my Highlights have to be in a specific category? No, you can create Highlights based on any theme or topic that you choose. They should reflect your interests or brand.
  3. Can I add old Stories to my Highlights? Yes, you can add Stories from your archive to your Highlights at any time.
  4. How often should I update my Highlights? It’s a good practice to update your Highlights regularly to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  5. Do I need a business account to use Instagram Highlights? No, Instagram Highlights are available to all Instagram users, whether you have a personal or business account.